What Is Cowritar?

Cowritar is a leading SEO writing platform for comprehensive content solutions for small businesses.

Cowritar helps businesses like yours outrank their competitors in Google searches with organic, high-quality search-centric content written by humans with vast experience, insights, and practical examples to drive informed decisions and improve sales.

We have a vast community of writers, editors, and SEO professionals to deliver high-quality content, strategic keyword optimization, competitor analysis, and top-tier link building for your website. 

Explore tailored subscription plans, expertly curated content themes, and guaranteed features on prominent publications. Elevate your online presence with Cowritar's results-driven content delivery and SEO strategies.

The real question is this: why should anyone ever need a website when you can handle all your orders on Instagram?

The answer is simple.

No one should have a website unless they are using Cowritar.

Cowritar opens the door to a marketing channel that performs way better than Instagram and Facebook Ads for e-commerce businesses. It is called SEO (Search Engine Marketing).

What does this mean?

Google receives over 2 billion daily enquiries from people around the world looking for information and solutions to their problems.

... and they don't know your products can fix and cure them.

This volume of searches creates the business of search marketing, which companies can only succeed in through paid ads (PPC) or organic content — articles and blog posts that provide solutions for acne, body pains, menstrual inconsistencies, specifications of the latest iMac, how to bake a cake, and everything in between.

Any time you search Google for this information, those results are from websites like yours. It takes a level of expertise and knowing what you are doing to make it to the first page.

But it takes a miracle to be one of the first three rows on the first page.

So should you give up?

Well, no.

Miracles happen and that's why you need the CoWritar to experience it. Watch your website load up with research-rich search-friendly SEO content that will drive you tons of free but highly convertible traffic from Google, Bing, and other search engines.

You don't need to pay these writers for their content. (The truth is: their articles are worth nothing without traffic and sales.)

How about you pay them only when they bring you tons of traffic and sales?

That's what we are here to offer.

Correct organic search traffic and sales from Google without paying for ads. We offer all the information the searchers are looking for and link to your products and services in these articles.

What is the best way for you to get started?


Choose Micro. It is our lowest plan. With only $499, you will get 2 keywords, 24 articles, and 6 backlinks delivered to your website.


If you upgrade to Mini, we will not only write 52 articles for your blog, but we will also write about you on other blogs, generate 12 high-quality backlinks, offer premium support, and talk about your brand and offers in those guest postings.

It helps you build credibility and add to your Google ranking score. Google loves backlinks, they see them as validation badges (thumb-ups) from other websites signalling that you are not a ghost seller on the web.


When you upgrade to the Max plan, it is not a butt lift. It is a complete game-changer. You get to be featured in top publications like Vanguard, Punch, and others.

You will have 7 keywords to rank for, over 99 articles delivered to your site, 24 high-quality backlinks, and a dedicated support team helping you with Google Search Console, Image Optimization and everything else that improves ranking.

What should I do next?

Pick a plan and sign up as a publication today. Once we receive your payment, we will assign you an account manager that will reach out to you immediately.



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