Publish Your First Content On Cowritar: Guide To A Successful Cowritar Career

Are you trying to build a stellar content writing career?

Join Cowritar, it is the right step to take.

Cowritar presents an emanate environment for writers (beginners and experts) to improve their skills and make money at the same time.

Unlike most writing platforms, cowritar is not complex.

Cowritar is an easy platform to navigate. Every part of cowritar is simple and understandable.

To get started as a writer, go to and sign up for a free account.

Now that you've signed up on cowritar, what next?



After signing up on, log into your account and go to your dashboard.



Cowritar dashboard is very simple and easy to navigate.

Your Cowritar dashboard displays your earnings, articles you've published, and your total Reads(views). 

From your dashboard, you can easily get to your notifications bar, edit your profile, and access the menu for other items.

Before you publish your first content, make sure to edit your cowritar profile.

 It's not just about having a fancy look. Your profile also serves as your writing portfolio where all your published content would be organized.

It is also very significant if you want to chase big writing gigs and opportunities.

 That means you can use it to apply for jobs on other platforms.

From your dashboard just click on your profile, and select the edit option.

Add a professional photo, write a good bio, and provide all the necessary information required.


Before you start writing content, you need to subscribe to all the publications on Cowritar.

Click on the Menu icon on your dashboard. After that, click on the publication option. Subscribe to any of the brands on the list. You can narrow your writing to a particular niche. Or subscribe to all the publications.

Whatever suits you is fine by cowritar.

 But if you want to be a more versatile writer, I recommend you subscribe to all the brands or publications on the list.


If you've reached this stage, you're ready to start writing and publishing content. 

So Go to your dashboard and click on the write icon. You'll see a list of all the publications you've subscribed to.

Select the publication you want to write on. For example, Kitcart.

On each publication, you'll find two options, "my posts" and "All posts".

Click on my post. Next, you click on the Write an Article icon, and boom, you'll get to the text editors where you can start writing your content.



On the text editor page, there are different options and boxes with unique functions.

First, you want to select the category of your content by clicking on the category option. Select from the option available on the publication. 

Next is the box for "status". When you're done writing and ready to publish your content. Click on it to switch from draft to submit content for review.

When writing your content. You have to make sure that you indicate headlines, sub-headlines, and topics for SEO's sake.

Make sure your content is well articulated and punctuated. Add images and infographics to your content so it will enhance your page ranking.

When you're done, submit your content for review. To submit your content, tap on the "Status" option at the top of the page and switch from draft to submit for review.

Finally, click on update at the end of the page. That's it. That's all it takes to submit your content for publication.



After submitting your content for reviews and editing. 

An editor on cowritar will review your content. If your content is okay, it will be approved and published.

If your content does not meet the standard for publication. It will be reverted to draft. You'll be notified on your dashboard and email when your content has been reverted to draft.

But it doesn't stop there. There is a feature called "editors note". When your content is reverted to draft, you will get a note at the top of your text editor, as well as an email, that will state all the errors you need to correct and, if possible changes you need to make.

One of the reasons why cowritar is the best platform for beginning your content writing journey is that growth is the priority.

Cowritar doesn't just reward great writers, and punish the novice. 

Cowritar helps good writers become great writers, and great writers become better writers.

Our editor's job is not just to review content but to help writers improve and produce the best results.



Congratulations on publishing your first content on

I know it felt great after your content was approved. But it doesn't end there.

Cowritar was built to be an SEO powerhouse to help businesses and e-commerce brands get Traffic, clicks, and massive sales on Search Engines like Google.

As a cowritar, you're not just a writer, you're an SEO expert. So you must make your article rank on search engines.

The big question is how do you do that?

First, start by Reading my article on SEO, to learn the basics of SEO and how to be great at it. 

 One of the things you'll learn from my article on SEO is that backlinking is how Google counts your content as valuable and eligible for first or second-place ranking. 

So get as many backlinks as possible. One of the ways to do that is to go to platforms like Quora and Reddit and use snippets from your article to answer questions related to the content you've written. And link back to the full article.

This strategy will also help you get more reads, which will help you make money on cowritar.


Cowritar is not just easy to write on. 

It's efficient and reliable. It's the best platform to develop your writing skills and make money too.

Publishing on Cowritar is an easy process, all you have to do is follow this guide completely.

If you encounter any difficulty at any stage on cowritar. You can reach out to me or the cowritar support team.

Thanks for reading!

Have a great cowriting career!



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