A Beginner's Guide On Becoming A Blogger

I know part of your new year's resolution was to take content creation more serious but we're almost in February and it seems like you've just been jumping from Instagram to TikTok, getting distracted by videos and giving loads and loads of excuses, but this year will pass again if you don't start somewhere. 

I'll try to reduce my voice a little bit.

Maybe you're feeling unsure about your niche? Content creation has so many options. Why don't I walk you through some ideas that might excite you? 

First, what is content creation?

Content creation is simply a process of producing written, visual, audio, or other media content, typically for publication online or in other media. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including:

Writing - Creating written content like blog posts, articles, ebooks, guides, etc. This is a key part of content creation.

Visual content - Creating visual assets like photos, videos, illustrations, infographics, animations, etc.

Audio content - Producing podcasts, music, audiobooks, and other audio files.

Live streaming - Broadcasting live video content on platforms like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

Social media posts - Creating content specifically formatted for social media platforms.

Presentations - Developing slide decks, speeches, and other presentation materials.

The term 'content creator' applies to more than just social media video makers. There's a common misconception that you need to be on camera to create content. Absolutely not!

There are so many content creation options to choose from. You don't have to pick up a camera to share your message. Consider exploring podcasting, writing, illustration, etc. The key is finding the type of content creation you're most passionate about. 

Do not limit yourself to only visual content creation. Find the medium that best fits your strengths and interests. Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience, regardless of the format. The most important thing is expressing your voice and perspective through your work. 

Now, let's pick a niche – Blogging.

“What do you mean? I'm not even a writer.”


Relax! You do not have to be a professional writer to become a blogger. Let me share with you a little story:  

I was discussing writing skills with a friend earlier this month. She knows how to write but struggles to construct her words well. I suggested she start a blog as a way to improve. She gave me lots of excuses as to why she can't be a blogger and isn't a good writer. I told her that most people who are professional bloggers today started somewhere. I encouraged her to watch instructional videos, take writing classes, and read blog posts to learn. Writing takes practice, it's not magic.

Here's how you can become a blogger without strong writing skills and grow over time:

  •  Focus on sharing your personal experiences. You don't need solid writing skills to blog about your interests, hobbies, experiences, etc. Write conversationally like you would talk to a friend.
  • Use bullet points and lists. These make text easier to read and allow you to convey information quickly without complex sentences.
  • Keep posts short and concise. You don't have to write long posts. Start with 300-500 word posts until you build confidence to go an extra mile.
  • Use headers and subheaders. Breaking your posts into sections makes them less intimidating to write and easier to read. 
  • Get an editor. Have someone who can review posts for spelling/grammar errors before publishing. Or use a grammar checking tool like Grammarly.
  • Include visuals. Photos, graphics, illustrations, etc. Add visual interest and break up blocks of text.
  • Study other bloggers in your niche. See what writing styles resonate with readers and use similar language/formats. Do not copy their content!
  • Write about your passions. It's easier to write engagingly when you're truly interested in the topic. Your enthusiasm will come through.
  • Find your voice. Write like you speak. Use natural language. Let your readers be able to read your content through your voice. Develop your own blogging style over time.
  • Use AI tools. Writing has become more accessible with AI tools like ChatGPT and Claude. These tools can assist you in improving your writing skills. However, I'm not saying you should copy, paste, post and repeat, NO. Use them as guides, not solutions, so you don't become overly reliant on AI. When using these tools, take their suggestions as a starting point. Make edits and incorporate your own voice and style. This process will help you strengthen your writing abilities rather than passively accepting AI-generated content. 

Now that we have solved your writing skills, how do you stand out from millions of other bloggers and become a successful blogger?


How to blog:

  • Choose Your Niche 

The first step in starting a blog is identifying your niche. Your niche is your blog's topic focus. The more narrowly you define your niche, the easier it will be to attract targeted readers who are interested in what you have to say. 

For example, "fitness" is too broad. Narrow it down to something like "at-home workout routines for busy moms." Define your niche around your experiences, interests and areas of expertise.What perspectives can you share that your readers won't find anywhere else? Your experiences are what set you apart in the crowded blogging world.

  • Pick a Blog Name and Platform

Once you've settled on a niche, it's time to choose a blog name and platform. Your blog name should be short, memorable and closely tied to your niche. Conduct some research to decide which platform best fits your needs.

  • Design Your Blog 

Next up: blog design! Your blog's appearance significantly impacts your visitor's first impression. Keep your design clean and reader-friendly. Use a balanced layout and make sure the text is large enough to read easily. Also, ensure your blog design is responsive so it looks great on computers and mobile devices. 

  • Write Compelling Content

Now for the fun part - writing blog posts! Consistently publishing fresh, high-quality content is critical for attracting and keeping readers. Stick to your niche and write posts based on topics your target audience cares about. Vary your post types between tutorials, listicles, personal stories, reviews and more.

Here are some tips for writing compelling blog content:

- Write conversational yet authoritative content. Be informative but also inject your own personality.

- Thoroughly research each post and link to authoritative sources. Cite facts, statistics and expert opinions. 

- Address reader questions and pain points. Offer solutions and tips.

- Use headings, lists and images to break up text and engage readers.

- Craft "call to action" headlines to draw readers in such as: 

"10 Must-Have Apps for New Bloggers"

"5 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid" 

"How I Gained 100,000 Blog Subscribers in One Year"

Where to blog:

– Your own standalone site - Use WordPress or HubSpot or other CMS tools to create your blog on a registered domain. Offers full creative control.

– Existing blogging platforms - Easier startup using pre-built sites like Medium, Tumblr, Blogger, Cowritar. These platforms make launching a blog very fast and easy and they are great for beginners starting a blog online.

– Social media -You can maintain blog-like content on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

– Company's blog - If you're employed or you're an entrepreneur, propose creating a blog on your company's website or your business website to build brand awareness.

How do you become a successful blogger?

    1. Promote Your Blog

You've got great content, but now you need readers! Promoting your blog is an essential ongoing effort. Start telling everyone you know about your new blog and share links via social media. Connect with other bloggers in your niche and offer to guest post or swap articles. Include social sharing buttons on posts.

    2. Optimize for Search 

Most blog traffic comes from search engines like Google, so search engine optimization (SEO) is important. Do keyword research to find terms and topics people search for. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your writing. 

   3. Generate Income

Once your blog is more established, you can start exploring ways to monetize it and generate income. Common options include display advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, eBooks, online courses and consulting services. Never let monetization undermine the quality of your content. Focus on serving your readers and the income will follow.

   4. Stay Consistent

Blogging takes dedication. To grow your blog, you must post consistently, promote relentlessly and continuously add value for your readers. Don't get discouraged by slow initial growth.


Having a successful blog takes time and effort, but it's an incredibly rewarding endeavor. Remember to identify your niche, establish your platform, create valuable content, promote your blog, optimize for search engines and diversify your income streams. With passion and persistence, you can build an impactful blog and thrive as a blogger. Ready to get started? The blogging world awaits you!





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